
What to pack in you diaper bag: A free printable checklist

At my baby shower, we played a scattergories-inspired game where we had to name things you had to put in a diaper bag that began with certain letters. I struggled. I knew you were supposed to carry diapers in your diaper bag, but I was having trouble thinking what else my sweet little baby could possibly need. . .

Now that I have Emma, I have trouble not packing the entire nursery every time I leave the house. So much could happen. I could need so many different things. . .
Today I'm sharing with you my "What to pack in your diaper bag" checklist.
Will you need every single one of these items every time you leave the house? Probably not. For example, I only pack bottles if I'm dropping my little one off at the sitter's. I don't always bring snacks and toys, depending on where we're going. But I love being able to do a quick scan on my way out the door just to make sure I'm not missing something essential.
I divided the checklist into 4 categories:

1. Restock when used: These are items that you'll have to replace if you use them, like diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, etc. I check this category the most often, since these things are the most often forgotten. (Or I get somewhere and realize the bib in the diaper bag is covered in pizza sauce from the night before. . .)

2. Keep in bag: Put these in your bag and leave them there.

3. First-aid: I keep these items in the smallest zippered pocket of my diaper bag, and only think about them when/if I need them. They take up very little space, but give me tons of peace of mind!

4. For you: It's easy to forget your own essentials when you're busy thinking about what the baby needs. Scan this section to make sure you've got everything you need, from your wallet and keys to a snack for you. . . because taking care of a baby can make you very hungry! ;)

Want to check it out? Click HERE (or just click on the picture below) to download the printable checklist for FREE!
P.S. This would be a great page to add to your baby tracker and record notebook... Click here to check out that post and download more great baby printables!