
A perfectly packed diaper bag: Toddler version

A few months ago, I published a post called A Perfectly Packed Diaper BagIt's my most popular post to date. I dumped out all of my diaper bag essentials, photographed them, and created a free printiable checklist to keep you and your newborn organized
any time you head out the door. 

Well, Emma isn't a baby anymore. She is about to turn 1 1/2. (What?!!) So I decided that it was time to update my diaper bag list for toddlers!
How to pack the perfect diaper bag for a toddler. Includes a free printable checklist so you don't forget any essentials. I include tips for packing toddler items in your own purse or for packing an actual diaper bag. Includes pictures of everything I include in my own diaper bag.
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Except. . . I don't use my diaper bag that often anymore. I take it with me for day trips, but if I'm just taking Emma out for a few hours- like to church, or to a restaurant, I usually just throw a few things in my purse and off we go.

So I broke my list down into 3 categories- things to add to your purse for a short trip, extras to include when you take a longer trip, and essentials for you. (Note: This list contains affiliate links. Check out my full disclosure statement here.) 


Everything I include in my purse when packing for a toddler, including how I use a wet/dry bag.

1. Wet/dry bag: This bag has a waterproof (wet) zippered pouch, and a mesh (dry) one. I keep diaper changing essentials in the dry part and put dirty diapers in the wet part. When we get home I toss it in the laundry. I actually am obsessed with like these bags so much that I wrote a whole blog post about them.

Grey chevron wet/dry bag by Hop Skip Go: perfect for packing toddler essentials into a purse.

2. Diapers: Only if your toddler is still wearing diapers, obviously. Emma is. We use these cloth diapers. (I love cloth diapers and have written a lot about them on the blog already.)

3. Changing mat: Sometimes I don't even bring this. I've used my wet/dry bag as a changing mat many times. ;) 

4. Wipes: Even though I use cloth wipes with a spray bottle of water at home, I often bring disposables when we go out. Mostly because I can keep Emma quiet for 5-10 minutes by giving her one to play with. Also because they make hand/face clean up so easy after we eat. 

5. Hand sanitizer: I love this kind  because it smells like a strawberry margarita. ;)

6. Sippy cup

7. Snacks

8. Books/toys: My favorite restaurant toys are Play Doh, our family photo book, paper with crayons, tiny board books (which Emma is obsessed with) and stickers- especially foam stickers. These all seem to keep her occupied longer than the average toy, and they're relatively small. Also, none of them make noises. (So important!) By the way, if you're looking for a list of fantastic toddler books, I just so happen to have written one. Check it out!

9. Pacifier (if you use one.) 

Pack it all in and you're ready to go. There's even enough room left to pack your own essentials. 

How to pack toddler essentials in your purse so you don't have to pack a diaper bag. Includes how I use a wet/dry bag.

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Have a toddler? How to pack your purse so you don't have to carry a diaper bag. Includes pictures of everything I include for my toddler in my purse, as well as a free printable checklist so you won't forget anything.
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HERE ARE THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS I INCLUDE FOR LONGER OUTINGS (when I'm actually bringing the whole diaper bag with me.) 

When I will be gone for the day, I still do pack up the whole diaper bag. (By the way, this is the diaper bag I use . . . and I love it!) In these cases, I bring along a few extra things that aren't on the list above. 

Packing a diaper bag for a toddler: These are all of the items I include. This website includes a free printable checklist so you won't forget anything.

10. Seasonal items: Sunscreen, a jacket, hat, sunglasses

11. A change of clothes: We haven't been brave enough to start potty training yet, but when we do I'll definetely include extra underwear. 

12. Medicine: I usually carry a thermometer and Vaseline, diaper cream, nail clippers, Benadryl, and Tylenol. (The teething pills that are in this picture have been recalled.)
These are all of the medications I include in my toddler's diaper bag. This website gives a run-down of everything to pack in a diaper bag, along with a free printable checklist so you won't forget anything.

It all fits in perfectly:

A perfectly packed diaper bag for a toddler. Grey chevron diaper bag by Hop Skip Go.

AND, OF COURSE, YOU CAN'T FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF. No matter what size bag I'm packing, I always include: 

13. My wallet

14. Keys: Mine are attached to my wallet

15. Phone

16. Water bottle

17. A snack for me! Because I get hungry all. the. time. 

Once more, here are all the things that go into my purse:

Everything I include in my purse when I'm traveling with my toddler so that I don't have to carry a separate diaper bag. This website includes a free printable checklist of items so you won't forget anything.

And all the items I pack when I bring the entire diaper bag:

A perfectly packed toddler diaper bag. Photographs of everything I include in my diaper bag. This website includes a free printable checklist of items so you won't forget anything.

And, of course, I have a printable checklist for you so that you can remember all of these things yourself.

A free printable checklist of everything to include in a toddler's diaper bag.

Click here (or on the picture below) to download and print your own list. Keep it by your diaper bag so you can quickly scan it to make sure you're not forgetting anything before you head out the door.  

A free printable checklist of everything to include in a toddler's diaper bag. This website also includes pictures of everything I keep in my diaper bag, and how I avoid carrying a diaper bag on short trips by packing the essentials in a wet/dry bag and carrying it in my purse.

So, what do you think? These are all the things I include in the toddler version of my perfectly packed diaper bag. Did I forget anything? Let me know in the comments.

And be sure to check out my article about how to convert a baby nursery into a big kid bedroom

Grey chevron diaper bag by Hop Skip Go. This website shows how to pack the perfect diaper bag for a toddler and includes a free printable checklist so you won't forget any essentials.

Weekly to do list. Prioritize your top three to-dos each day of the week. Includes extra sections for 10 minute projects and "would like to dos"